Learn about all the wonderful loan packages we have on offer

Getting a loan in today’s age really couldn’t get any trickier, your typical lender will look at your credit history, possibly your criminal history (if you have one) and comb through your social profiles (they’re lying if they say they don’t Google you).

We live in public and it’s hard to get anything past a loan company that doesn’t in some way relate to your finances now and in the past.
New Zealand loans
What do lenders look at (when viewing your credit report)?

  1. Do you pay your bills on time (things such as credit cards, hire purchases, previous loans, insurance payments etc.).
  2. Income (how much money you make every week, fortnight or monthly)
  3. Have you ever been bankrupt? Declaring bankruptcy is possibly the worst thing you can do to negative effect your credit score and pretty much ruin any chance of getting a loan.
  4. Has your house ever been in a mortgagee sale? Just after declaring bankruptcy is having your home (specifically a home under your name) go into mortgagee sale will certainly scare off any mortgage broker and potentially all small personal loan lenders.
  5. Do you have multiple credit cards? This screams poor financial health (especially when you ask everyone in town for a credit card in a small amount of time).
  6. Co-sign a loan for someone else. There may be a legitimate reason why you’d want to co-sign a loan (possibly to fund a car for your son or daughter). However, do understand in the banks eye that debt is yours and if the co-signee misses payments you take the heavy weight punch on your credit score.
  7. Only paying the absolute minimum week/fortnightly/monthly payments – this is a huge signal that you’ll never actually pay off the balance of your loan and you have poor financial health.
  8. Length of credit – the longer the lifespan you’ve had credit (credit card, loan) and have regularly paid back the balance consistently has a huge positive effect on your credit score and will go leaps and bounds to helping you get the loan you need.
  9. Proof of Income – this is speaking specifically to those who are self employed

Here at Finance District we’re the middle man between you and the banks.

Don’t get me wrong, we’re not a magic bullet.

We help our clients solve some of the problems above by finding lenders who either don’t care about them or will still accept you (which means you get your loan) but at a slightly higher interest rate (which is to help cover their behinds since they would view you as “higher risk”).

I’m not saying you have bad credit, but if you did, its fine we can work with that.

Different loans can we help you source

Bad Credit Loans

Our bad credit loans package was built specifically for clients that have a blemish in their credit report.

If you have default after default we’re not a magician and your last resort by any stretch of the imagination. However, our team will go to work to try and find a lender that will cater to you.

Cash Loans

Cash Loans are exactly how it sounds, you tell us how much money you need in your bank account and we’ll source a cash loan package from our various partners – we like to get cash loans into our clients accounts within 24hrs.

Fast Easy Loans

These loan packages are similar to the above however with Fast Easy Loans, typically our client base wants, potentially, their loan on the same day – to make this happen we usually source loans at a slightly higher interest rate.

Instant Loans

Our Instant Loans package is exactly what it sounds like, our clients who request this want money in their account within hours, if the correct information is submitted through to us we might be able to cut that down to less than an hour.

Low Interest Loans

Have you ever wanted to get a larger than normal loan, usually to pay for a nice family holiday or purchase a new car you know you deserve?

Low Interest Loans is the perfect solution, usually catering to loans $4000+ your able to get the loan you need at a lower interest rate than our Cash Loans, with payment plans that can be spread over 5 years.

No Credit Check Loans

If you know your credit score is below 500 our no credit check loans package is for you. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, we’re not magicians – however we can absolutely find no credit check loans for our clients, at a slightly higher interest rate, but a loan none the less.

Payday Advance Loan:

Our most popular loan package, Payday Advance Loans allow our clients to get money in the bank to pay the bills until there next paycheck to come through.

Quick loan that can get money into account within 24hrs, sometimes within a few hours, we ask for a few key questions to make sure you have a job and make enough money to pay back the loan within a few weeks at month, hopefully in full by your next pay cycle.

Personal Loans:

Its perfectly fine to take a well-deserved holiday or go on a shopping spree. You may not always have the funds so that’s were our personal loans package can help.

Usually personal loans are $1000+ going all the way up to $15000, our team spends more time on these applications even more so than others due to the higher requested funds and all the backend administration needed to find the right loan supplier.

With personal loans we require collateral (this isn’t always the case with our many loan packages, however with Personals because they are our largest loan offers our lenders are stricter with collateral to cover the loan in case you fail to make payments).

Quick Loans

If you need money and need it now, that’s were our quick loans package can help – it’s exactly how it sounds, after filling out a quick form giving us basic details about your financial status our team will find the best terms available for you and deposit money into your account usually within hours of being accepted.

Same Day Loans

Similar to the above mentioned package, Same Day loans specifically focuses on loans we know we can deliver on the same day – these loan types are always at a slightly higher interest rates and sometimes incur additional fees.

Short Term Loans

Short Term loans are typically loans that get paid back within 3 months with the loan range being $1000 – $5000. We always check your credit score for Short Term loans, if its below 500 we look for collateral that’s at least double the value of your loan.

Unsecured Loan

This loan package is exactly how it sounds; the clients that choose our unsecured loans package don’t have any valuable assets but still need funds to purchase goods and services.

Unsecured loans are based solely on your credit score, the range is significantly lower too than our secured loan package – typically less than $5000, sometimes more if you have a lengthy credit history.